
Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Why should we learn English?

Why should we learn English?
English is one of the most widely used languages in the world. It is spoken by nearly three hundred million people: in England, the United States, Australia, Canada and many other countries. It is one of the working languages at international meetings and is more used than the others. It is said that 60 percent of the world's radio broadcasts and 70 percent of the world's mail are in English. Millions of books and magazines are written in English, too. English is really a bridge to knowledge. With the help of English we can learn modern science and technology faster and better form the developed countries. In this way we can serve our country better.
Today  English  become  more  and  more  important . And  in  China  every  student learns  English  and  other  people  study  English  as  well . But  why  should  we  learn English?
Firstly , English  is  one  of  offical  languages . Secondly , we  can  read  English  books  and  talk  to  native  speakers  by  learning  English . Of  course , if  we speak English  fluently we can travel all over the world . English is spoken in most countries. Thirdly or the most important one, learning English is ready for the exams. English is a main subject of all. The English exam has high scores.For the students,they will get low scores in all if they are weak in English. So, learning English is important,we should learn English well. 


Spring is green. Do you know why? It is because when spring is coming, the plants and the trees sprout new leaves. The flowers start to blossom. It is so beautiful and green everywhere.

   Summer is bright. Can you guess the reason? It is because when summer arrives, the sun is shining. For the very strong sunlight, everything is bright. How beautiful and bright it is!

   Autumn is golden. Why is this? It’s because when autumn comes, the wind blows through the golden trees and carries them away. It is golden everywhere.

   Winter is white. Why? Because when winter is coming, the white snowflakes fly slowly down, so pure and white. The wide fields and the great high mountains all wear white coats.

  Oh! The four seasons are beautiful. I like them very much!

Friday, 16 December 2011


  • 你好 (哭你一起挖)
  • 我回来啦 (他大姨妈)
  • 哥哥 (哦尼桑)
  • 可爱 (卡哇咿)
  • 怎么? (哪尼) 
  • 你好帅 (卡酷咿)
  • 原来如此 (哪里糊涂)
  • 我吃了 (一打卡玛斯)
  • 早上好 (我还要狗炸一玛斯)
  • 怎么可能 (玛撒卡) 
  • 好厉害 (自由咿)
  • 谢谢 (啊丽牙多)
  • 怎么啦 (都西大)
  • 偷一下懒(傻不你呦)
  • 这可不行 (所里挖那里蚂蚁) 
  • 为什么? (男的诶)
  • 那是什么 (男的所里挖)
  • 什么意思? (满家所里挖)
  • 笨蛋 (八噶)
  • 我明白啦 (挖卡打蛙) 
  • 这是 (库里挖)
  • 加油 (刚巴黎)
  • 搞定啦! (亚当!)
  • 朋友 (偷猫打鸡)
  • 不行 (打妹)
  • 说的也是 (受打内) 
  • 太好啦! (有疙瘩!)
  • 真的? (轰!逗你)
  • 小姐 (我揪下嘛)
  • 不要啊! (呀灭蝶!)
  • 可恶 (扣手)
  • 对不起 (狗咪那啥咿) 
  • 没关系 (一挖呦)
  • 不要紧吧? (带胶布?)
  • 约会 (带兜)
  • 是的 (嗨)
  • 晚安 (哦压死你)
  • 到此为止 (哭了妈的)

Thursday, 15 December 2011



  1. 忍耐
  2. 再忍耐
  3. 一直忍耐下去

Thursday, 1 December 2011

⊱小 武 & 小 小 武⊰▶▶民 立 一 日 游◀◀

图 中 就 是 小 武 和 俊 扬 哥 哥 ~

介 绍 下. . . 红 色 衣 服 就 是 小 武~\(≧▽≦)/~啦啦啦

我 们 的 小 武 和 高 利 贷 比 赛 5 比 5 ~

到 最 后 比 赛 是 4 比 1

紧 张 不 ?谁 获 得 的 叻? ?

就 是 我 们 的 小 武 获 胜~\(≧▽≦)/~啦啦啦


 在 大 便 吗?

O(∩_∩)O哈哈~老 师 说 要 靠 近 一 点

所 以 我 就 把 小 武 的 头 靠 近 老 师 脸 哝~(*^__^*) 嘻 嘻……

恩 恩...不 错 看!!!

老 师 的 笑 法=.=|||还蛮甜的下...

小 武 衣 服 脱 掉...是 因 为 刚 刚 打 篮 球 很 热~脱 掉 咯...

嘿 嘿!!!

有 模 有 样!

我 跟 着 老 师 的 动 作XD



老 师 又 念 经 了...可 是 我 干 嘛 笑?=.=|||

嘿嘿~老 师 帅 吧~❤

寂 寞 的 背 影 !!!

年 轻 又 很 帅 啊...O(∩_∩)O哈 哈


别 理 那 个 年 轻 老 师 啊!!!

看 清 楚 一 点!!!

 年 轻 老 师 说 :你 们 拍 照 不 好 好 拍 !!! 拍 什 么 鬼 样 !!!

哼 哼 哼 哼

我 就 头 伸 长 长 的 去 看! 我 看 你 是 说 那 张 照 片, 看 也 被 骂 haizzzz